Cervical biopsy
Here, we will explain what to expect when you undergo a cervical biopsy.

Please check the abbreviations listed in the cervical cancer screening test results.
ASC-US, LSIL, HSIL, ASC-H, etc. does not mean that cancerous cells were immediately detected. Further examination will be performed to determine where and what kind of lesions are present.
In the case of ASC-US, we usually test for human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. In the case of LSIL, depending on your age, the uterus is observed using a magnifying device called a colposcope to detect lesions known as dysplasia that might become cancerous in the future.
If dysplasia is suspected by colposcopy, cells from the area will be taken for further examination. Because more cells are taken than during cancer screening, there is bleeding after the procedure. Depending on the amount of bleeding, a tampon or gauze may be temporary (usually for 3 hours) placed in your vagina.
If dysplasia is confirmed by histology, regular follow-up will be performed thereafter. The lesion might disappear or progress. If the lesion seems to be progressing, we will refer you to a hospital where you may undergo surgery.